RTPF Assertion Reason

S1 : For the reaction :
O3 \Leftrightarrow O2 + O
O + O3 \rightarrow 2O2 (slow)
2O3 \Leftrightarrow 3O2
The molecularity of first step is 1 and that of second step is 2.

S2 : O(g) is an intermediate and rate of reaction is K[O3]2[O2]-1 and order of the reaction is 1.

6 Answers

rickde ·

S1 is true S2 is true but S2 does not explain S1

Pritish Chakraborty ·

Yeah agree with rickde...molecularity and order of a reaction are unrelated.

Asish Mahapatra ·

@pritish, is molecularity of a reversible reaction defined?

Gone.. ·

yes ans given is B


@Asish : Yes molecularity can also be defined for a reversible reaction

This is a reversible bimolecular reaction

@Ronald : molecularity is the term which tells us the number of molecules involved in an elementary reaction step.

sequence of elementary reaction steps together to form what is called a mechanism

So the qs is a mechanism given in which molecularity of each elementary reaction step is asked for

I too go with B

Parjanya ·

yeah d ans is B

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