
at 300K vapour pres. of pure benzene and pure tolune are 100mm and 30mm of Hg rep. also they form ideal soln.a soln. of benzene and tol. is prep. by mixin 3 mole of tolun in 2 moles of benz. at 300K.

1)at wht external pressure at 300k the lst drop of given soln. will disappear. answer= 125/3 mm hg

2) if vapours which is in equilibrium with soln. are condensed , mole frac. of benzene in first drop of liquid formed will be? ans=20/29

6 Answers

Aditya Bhutra ·

even i have a similar doubt .

plz help.

Vivek @ Born this Way ·

Repost at the bottom.

Swaraj Dalmia ·

I didn't get:
Hence Yt = 3/8 , Yb = 5/6
What is Yt ?

Vivek @ Born this Way ·

Okay. We calculate some general things first.

PTotal = 58 mm Hg
XA = 3/5 , XB = 2/5

YA = 9/29 , YB = 20/29

When last drop is remaining, we need to find the pressure exerted by vapour. In that case,

3/5 (which is the mole fraction of the original solution is now the mole fraction of the vapour because almost all has evaporated) = P°Axa(P°Axa + (1-xa)P°B)

We get xa = 5/6 , xb = 1/6

Hence, Pressure required = 5/6 * 30+ 1/6 * 100 = 125/3 mm Hg

A = Toulene , B = Benzene

Aditya Bhutra ·

how did u get Ya and Yb ?

Swaraj Dalmia ·

thanks vivek for soln.

aditya utilize partial pressure is proportional to mole fraction.
We can get Pbenzene and ptotal from Raults law at equilibrium.

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