3D doubt (U-Like Model Paper 2)

Q17. Find the image of the point (1,6,3) about the "plane"(???)
x = (y-1)/2 = (z-2)/3 <- How is this a plane??

My working -:

4 Answers

Pritish Chakraborty ·

I took a point M which satisfies the line to be as shown. Now vector AM dot product direction vector of line (r = a + lambda b, b is direction vector) should be zero as they are perpendicular.

Found value of lambda then used midpoint formula.

Maybe lambda has been calculated wrong? If lambda = 1, the answer comes right..

Che ·

that is the eq of a line not a plane.


Pritish Chakraborty ·

Yes che exactly. I called one of my dumbass classmates, and he started telling me off saying I don't know 3D(about eq of plane and line). I was so incensed I nearly threw the phone..he called back but I didn't answer :).

So it was a calculation mistake!!! Otherwise my working is correct...chalo thanks sandi bhai. :D

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