Another remainder question

Find the least number which when

divided by-------------10--9--8--7--6--5--4--3--2--1
leaves remainder-----9--8--7--6--5--4--3--2--1--0

2 Answers

Soumyadeep Basu ·

The lowest number divisible by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 is their LCM which is 2520. Therefore, 2520-1 is div. by 1, 2520-2 is div. by 2.....2520-10 is div. by 10. Thus the reqd. number is 2520-1=2519.

Swarna Kamal Dhyawala ·

the answer must be 2519

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