Integration Definite

Eva.uate : \int_{-2n}^{2n+\frac 12}{\sin(\pi x)\left\{\frac x2 \right\}} \;\; \mathrm{d}x

9 Answers

Aditya Bhutra ·

is n integer ?

Aditya Bhutra ·

i am getting 12pi2 - 2npi

rishabh ·

im geting exactly same as aditya,
break it from -2n to 2n and 2n to 2n + 1/2.
put {x} = x-[x]
so we hav 3 integrals out of which the one with [x] is zero. 'cos when u break it into many integrals (as we so generally for any integral involving step function) each term on integration will be 0..

now from by parts use ∫xsinx = sinx - xcosx for the remaining 2 integrals.

Vivek @ Born this Way ·

But the answer has no 2 for one term ie., 1Î 2 - 2nÎ .

Aditya, How did you do and it? Also one point to note is that both function are periodic with period 2. Hence job is also more easier.

rishabh ·

do mention if it's your doubt or no. it'll save me time writing the steps.

Aditya Bhutra ·

calculate the integral from 0 to 2 .

now since the function has a period 2,

given integral = 2n * (integral from 0 to 2) + (integral from 0 to 1/2)

Vivek @ Born this Way ·

Hmm thanks aditya/risabh.

@Rishbah. Yes I wished to know the method pursued by u.

blueivy ·

I am also getting the same as aditya, simply by parts. 1st is x/2 and second fn is sinpix

souradipta Sen ·

breaking down the integration

first is odd and periodic hence=0 period 2

second 1:

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