Quadratic equations!! Easy one!

If alpha, beta are the roots of x2+px+q=0 and also of x2n + pnxn + qn = 0 and if α/β, β/α are the roots of xn + 1 + (x+1)n = 0 , then prove that n must be an even integer.

1 Answers

mona100 ·

since. alpha and beta are the roots of x2+px+q=0, therefore alpha +beta =-p ........(1)
satisfying alpha and beta in second equation and subtracting the two equations we get

alpha2n- beta 2n+pn(alphan-betan)=0


satisfying alpha/ beta in its equation we get


from (1) and (2) we get

this is true only if n is an even integer.

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