show that: (nCo)2 - (nC1)2 + (nC2)2-...(-1)n (nCn)2
=0, n is odd
(-1)n/2 (nCn/2) , n is even

here, where evr i have multiplied 2 with nC terms..their they are its power...and 'n' is also a power of -1 in the same line.
and the thing which u have to prove is having n/2 as a power of -1...
plz salve this question

4 Answers

Lokesh Verma ·



I think the coefficient of xn holds the key in the product.

I hoope this is good enuf.. ow let me know :)

arjita ·

plzz tell in detail coz i m not able to prove it for odd and even powers of of x

Lokesh Verma ·

ok.. i will try..

look at another case.. this makes the solution a bit simpler!!

(1+x)n = Σ ncrxr

(1-1/x)n = Σ ncr(-1)r(1/x)r

The given series will be the coefficient of x0 in their product (see carefully!)

On the LHS we need to find the coeff of x0 in (1-1/x)n.(1+x)n

LHS= {(1-1/x)(1+x)}n

Now is it simple enuf? or not yet!

Shailesh ·

term of (x-1/x)n will be



For finding coefficient of x0

We will need 2k=n no n has to be even...

Otherwise(when n is odd) the coefficient will be 0.

If n is even, k = n/2

Coefficient will be =nCn/2(-1)n-n/2

= nCn/2(-1)n/2

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