Real values of m

\hspace{-16}$Find all Real Value of $\mathbf{m}$ for Which the Given Equation\\\\ $x^2-\mid x \mid+m=0 $ has Real solution

1 Answers

Asish Mahapatra ·

|x|2 - |x| + m = 0

= > |x| = 1 ± √1 - 4m2

|x| is real and ≥ 0

so, 1 - 4m ≥ 0 or m ≤ 1/4 .... (1)

|1 - 4m | ≤ 1

=> 16m2 - 8m ≤ 0
=> 2m(m-1) ≤ 0

=> m ε [0,1] ... (2)

from (1) and (2) m ε [0,1/4]

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