system of equations.

\hspace{-16}$If $\mathbf{a_{1}\;,a_{2}\;,a_{3},.......,a_{n}}$ are non negative real no., Then find $\mathbf{a_{10}}$ in system of\\\\ equations\\\\ $\mathbf{\begin{Vmatrix} a_{1}+a_{2}+a_{3}+.........+a_{10}=104 \\\\ a_{1}+2a_{2}+3a_{3}+..........10a_{10}= 740\\\\ a_{1}+4a_{2}+9a_{3}+..........100a_{10}= 530 \\\\ a_{1}+16a_{2}+27a_{3}+..........1000a_{10}= 38300 \end{Vmatrix}}$

4 Answers

rishabh ·

as you have mentioned that a_1,a_2.....,a_{10} > 0
then the R.H.S of the third equation can't be less than that of eqn 2.
is it 5300 ?

man111 singh ·

Yes it is 5300

Vivek @ Born this Way ·

Is this value of a10?

Sambit Senapati ·

Well, according, to me these dont form any significant pattern unless 16a2 in the 4th equation is replaced by 8a2.

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