Algebra or/and Calculus!

Find the Integer N such that


10 Answers

Brij Vashisth ·

N could be 0 or 4.


Lokesh Verma ·

arrey yar.. ye cube tha :D

Lokesh Verma ·


Find the Integers N such that

skygirl ·

is it possible???
i am not getting ny such integer satisfying this equation!!...

Lokesh Verma ·

No there is none.. but u need to prove!

skygirl ·

We will get a third degree eqn in N.. → N^3- 6N^2- 2=0.

If we consider roots of this eqn a,b,c…

a+b+c=6 ---(1),
abc=2 ---(2),
ab+bc+ca=0 ---(3).

From these we get, a^2 +b^2 +c^2=36 ----(4).

No “integer” solutions satisfy all these….so no solution…

Lokesh Verma ·

This is a good way to solve...

But, I dont know how this directly implies the result.. i guess u just din write a couple of steps that to you were obvious?

Lokesh Verma ·

btw i think there is a better solution:

N3- 6N2- 2=0

N3 = 6N2 + 2

So when N is odd, LHS is odd and RHS is even .. they cant be equal.

N is even so substitute N=2k

8k3 = 6.4 k2 + 2

dividing by 2,

4k3 = 6.2 k2 + 1

LHS is even... RHS is odd..

Hence, no solution exists!

skygirl ·

haan well nice one...
actuallly wat was my interpretation...

for eqn(2) to satisfy,,, a,b,c ε(-1,2)
agn two of them cant be 2 at a time.
watever it be,,, 12+12+22 will never be equal to 36 as in eqn(4)...

so no integer possible..

nyway it is rather logical..

urs is a finer one...

Lokesh Verma ·

Good work...

a couple of small things.. but i think u just lazed to write them down :)

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