differential equation

please solve the following differential equation :

dydx=2y2 cosx+ y sin2x+2cosx sin2xsin2x

5 Answers

Rohan ·

somebody please help!!!!

Lokesh Verma ·

I tried to think.. but could not work out the solution :(

Surbhi Shah ·

sin x dydx= 2y2 cosxsinx + 2y cosx +2cosxsinx
sinxdy-ycosxdxsin2x=1sin2x[ 2y2cosxsinxdx+ycosxdx+2sinx cosxdx]
d[ysinx]= cosxsin2x[2y2dxsinx + ydx + 2sinx dx ]
d[ysinx]= 2cotx[ y2sin2x+ y2sinx+ 1]dx
d[ysinx]= 2cotx [(ysinx+14)2+ 1516]dx
put t= ysinx

∫ dt[(t+1/4)2+(√15/4)2= ∫ 2cot x dx

215tan-1[4ysinx+115]= ln/sinx/ + c
where /./ is mod and c is a constant

Asish Mahapatra ·

theres an even shorter solution

take sinx=t

ull get it of homogenous nature then u can do watever is reqd.. (simple variable substitution)

btw surbhi's answer is correct

riadpk ·

Solve the differential equation dy
dx = 2y2 sin x.

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