functional equation(1)

$\textbf{Determine all function $\mathbf{f:\mathbb{R}\rightarrow\mathbb{R}}$ such that\\\\ $\mathbf{f(x+y)f(x-y)=\left(f(x)+f(y)\right)^2-4x^2f(y)}$,each x,y\in \mathbb{R}$}\\

I have got a quadratic expression.

10 Answers


i am getting 2 solutions :

one is trivial i.e. f(x)=0 for all x element of R


we put x=y=0 in the relation

which implies f(0)=0;
then if we put x=0 we hav
since we hav considered f(y) not =0 we hav f(y)=f(-y)

then having put y=-x we hav
f(0)f(2x)=4{f(x)}^2 - 4x^2 f(x)

this implies

rishabh ·

but f(x) = x2 isn't the answer.
check L.H.S = x4 - y4
but R.H.S = (x2 - y2)2



hence f(x+y)f(x-y)=(x+y)^2*(x-y)^2
=(x^2 - y^2)^2

Shubhodip ·

Let P(x,y) be the assertion .

P(0,0) → 3(f(0))2 = 0→ f(0) = 0

P(x,x)→ f(x)(f(x)-x)= 0. This means if f(x)≠0 , f(x)= x2

Let there exist some t (t≠0,obviously) such that f(t)≠0 and hence f(t)= t2 and some m such that f(m) = 0

P(t,m) →f(t+m)f(t-m) = t4,Hence f(t+m) and f(t-m) both can't be zero. therefore f(t-m) = (t-m)2= f(m-t)

P(m,t)→f(m+t)f(m-t) = t4 - 4m2t2 (*) but f(t+m)f(t-m) = f(m+t)f(m-t)=t4

Hence we have from (*) that m2t2= 0 → m= 0(since t≠0)

Therefore if f(x) is nonzero for some x, it must be f(x) = x2 (x≠0) and f(0) = 0, otherwise f(x) is zero for all real x.

So the solutions (which are indeed solutions) are f(x) = x2 and f(x) = 0

Shubhodip ·

It can be done w/o using the assertion P(m,t) .

P(t,m) (above post) implies (t2-m2)2= t4 which gives

1) m = 0 2)m2= 2t2 but this is not possible...

because let k≠{t , -t ,±t√2} f(k) ≠0 and hence f(k) = k2 , so we must have m2 = 2k2= 2t2 implying t2= k2 but that's contradiction according to our choice of k.

gordo ·

for x=y=0, you have f(0)=0 ---1)
for x=y you get a quadratic for f(x) in terms of x,
solve to obtain x2 or 0

Shubhodip ·

thats wrong...

P(x,x)→ f(x)(f(x)-x)= 0. This means if f(x)≠0 , f(x)= x2

to say anything more u have to do what i did..

rishabh ·

oops..silly mistake

ninepointcircle ·

well this is the INMO 2011 Q6.
Here is the link

Shubhodip ·

So post 5 is better than the official one.:D

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