Ban. PB D E-I 9

Find the equation of the chords of the parabola y2=4ax which passes through the point (-6a,0) and which subtends an angle of 45° at the vertex.

1 Answers

skygirl ·

let t2,t1 points .

eqn of chord: y-2at1=(2/t1+t2)(x-at1^2)

this pases thru -6a,0

so, -2at1 = 2(-6a - at1^2)/t1+t2 ------#1

from that slope thing,,

1 = |2/t1 - 2/t2|/ |t1t2 -4| -----------#2

mod hata do, toh doh relations milega...

solve for t1 and t2...

u will get two chords.

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