resonance O.T.

in a triangle ABC, coordinates of orthocentre, centroid and vertex A are (3,2) , (3,1) and (1,2) respectively. Then x-coordinate of vertex B is... ???

i have got the ans but its not matching... so i wanna verify...
plz ny of ans for this....

3 Answers

Lokesh Verma ·


skygirl ·

haan may be... but how..?? plz explain naa...
i got 2 answers ..3 and 5.. :)

Lokesh Verma ·

the important thing is that the BASE BC is perpendicular to the line AL where L is the orthocenter

AL is parallel to X axis

so BC will be parallel to Y axis

So both B and C will have the same x coordinae

so B=(t,l) C=(t,m)

centroid is (t+t+1)/3, (l+m+2)/3

it is given in question as 3,1



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