
1,Prove for positive a,b,c (b≠1) , alogbc = clogba

2,In a small sweet shop people usually buy either one cake or one box of chocolate ,One day the shop sold 57 cakes and 36 boxes of chocolate,How many customers were there that day if 12 people bought both a cake and a box of chocolate?

3,Show that [(n+1)/2] + [(n+2)/4] + [(n+4)/8] + [(n+8)/16] + ,,,,,,, = n

4,Solve |2x-1| = 3[x] + 2{x}

5,Solve (x[x] - x2 - 3[x] + 3x) is positive

6,Solve [x]3 - 2[x] + 1 = 0

7, Find range of |sin x| + |cos x| and sin2x - 5sinx -6

17 Answers

Ketan Chandak ·

in question 2 if there isnt any twist answer is simply 57+36-12=81

in question 6....

[x]3 - 2[x] + 1 = 0

[x]3 - 2[x] = -1


observe that if [x] is greater than 1 or less than -1 then [x]2-2 will be greater than 1 which is not possible..
therefore [x]=1 is the only solution....

therefore 1≤x<2...

johncenaiit ·

i got it now.....thanks ketan for an amazing solution....

Ketan Chandak ·

i hope u got till dis much....


now observe that both [x]and ([x]2-2) will be integers for all real values of x...

since their product is -1 they can only be 1,-1 or -1,1 respectively...

so x should be in the range -1 to 1

but if u put -1 in the equation [x] and ([x]2-2) both will be negative and their product will bcum positive....

so [x] shud be 1....

therefore x=[1,2)

man111 singh ·

Thanks Subho for Correction.

and Sorry johncenaiit for my typing Mistakes.

johncenaiit ·


i didn't understand your solution to [x]3-2[x]+1=0

can you pls explain a bit more?

Ketan Chandak ·

question no 6...
its clear frm the question dat max exists at sinx=-1 and min at sinx=1...

johncenaiit ·

2) 81
4) 0.25
5) (-∞,3)-I
6) [1,2)
7) for the first part, i forgot to mention the domain, it is [0,pi]

and answer is 1st part = [1,√2]
2nd part = [-10,0]

Shubhodip ·

7. For the range of f=|sin x| + |cos x| (man111's answer was incomplete)

here it suffices to check for the cases when both sin x and cos x are positive

since otherwise, if both (sin , cos )are negative, the value f takes is the same under mapping

x --> x - \pi (but this makes both of them positive)

if exactly one of them is negative, then either x --> -x (when sin is negative) or x --> \pi - x,(when cos is negative) so we can restrict the domain of f to those x, which makes sin cos simultaneously positive, without having any change in range

so range of |sin x| + |cos x| is same of that of sin x + cos x, when both of them are positive i.e [1, √2]

EDIT: din see post 8 by johncenaiit :(

Arnab Kundu ·

The eqn. is equivalent to [n2+12]+[n4+12]+...=n
By Hermide's Identity we get: [x+12]=[2x]-[x]
So, the eqn. can be written as,

Sambit Senapati ·

1. a^{log_b{c}}=a^{\frac{log_a{c}}{log_a{b}}}=(a^{log_a{c}})^\frac{1}{log_a{b}}
\Rightarrow a^{log_b{c}}=c^\frac{1}{log_a{b}}
\Rightarrow a^{log_b{c}}=c^{log_b{a}}

johncenaiit ·

I can't understand ur answer to Q5

johncenaiit ·


|sin x| + |cos x| = √(1+|sin2x|)
→ 1≤|sin x| + |cos x|≤√2

In your answer to Q5,isn't the second step wrong ? you forgot to reverse the inequality

man111 singh ·

\hspace{-16}\mathbf{(5)\;\; x[x]-x^2-3[x]+3x>0}$\\\\ $\mathbf{[x].([x]-x)-3.(x-[x])>0}$\\\\ $\mathbf{([x]-3).([x]-x)>0}$\\\\ $\mathbf{(x-[x]).([x]-3)<0}$\\\\ $\mathbf{\left\{x\right\}.([x]-3)<0}$\\\\ Now Here $\mathbf{0<\left\{x\right\}<1}$\\\\ So $\mathbf{[x]-3<0\Leftrightarrow [x]<3}$\\\\ So $\mathbf{x<3}$

man111 singh ·

\hspace{-16}\mathbf{(6)\;\; \left[x\right]^3-2[x]+2=0}$\\\\ Let $\mathbf{[x]=t}$. Then \\\\ $\mathbf{t^3-2t+1=0}$\\\\ $\mathbf{\underbrace{\bold{t^3-t^2}}+\underbrace{\bold{t^2-2t+1}}=0}$\\\\ $\mathbf{t^2(t-1)+(t-1)^2=0}$\\\\ $\mathbf{(t-1).(t^2+t-1)=0}$\\\\ $\mathbf{t=1\;\;, t=\frac{-1\pm \sqrt{5}}{2}}$\\\\ Now $\mathbf{t=1\Leftrightarrow [x]=1}$\\\\ $\mathbf{1 \leq x<2}$\\\\ and $\mathbf{t=\frac{-1\pm \sqrt{5}}{2}\Leftrightarrow [x]=\frac{-1\pm \sqrt{5}}{2}}$\\\\ Not Possible bcz $\mathbf{[x]\in \mathbb{Z}}$

man111 singh ·

\hspace{-16}$Here $\mathbf{f(x)=\sin^2-5\sin x+6}$\\\\ Put $\mathbf{\sin x=t}$. Then\\\\ $\mathbf{y=f(t)=t^2-5t+6}$ ,Where $\mathbf{-1\leq t\leq 1}$\\\\ So From Graph\\\\ $\mathbf{y_{Min}=f(1)=2}$\\\\ and $\mathbf{y_{Max.}=f(-1)=12}$

\hspace{-16}$For Calculation of Range of $\mathbf{f(x)=\mid \sin x\mid +\mid \cos x \mid }$\\\\ Now Using $\mathbf{C.S}$ Inequality, We Get\\\\ $\mathbf{\left(1^2+1^2\right).\left(\mid \sin x\mid^2+\mid \cos x\mid^2 \right)\geq \left(\mid \sin x\mid+\mid \cos x\mid\right)^2}$\\\\ So $\mathbf{\left(\mid \sin x\mid+\mid \cos x \mid \right)^2\right)\leq (\sqrt{2})^2}$\\\\ So $\mathbf{0 \leq \mid \sin x\mid+\mid \cos x \mid \leq \sqrt{2}}$

johncenaiit ·

thanks a lot ..pls try the rest also.....

rishabh ·

4) for x≥ 12,
2x-1 = 2x + [x]
=> [x] = -1 which is not possible in the given interval.

for x < 12,
1-2x = 2x + [x]
=> 5x-1 = {x}
=> 0≤ 5x-1 < 1
=> 15 ≤x<25
but in this interval [x] = 0
=> 1-2x=2x => x = 0.25 is the only solution

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