From Shaastra

An ex-goiitian and present iitian is an orgainizer for an online math competition named Shaastra.

The first question is a nice inequality:

If x,y,z \in \mathbb{R^+} are such that x+y+z = 9(xyz)^{\frac{2}{3}} prove that

\frac{xy}{x+y+2z} + \frac{yz}{2x+y+z} + \frac{zx}{x+2y+z} \ge \frac{1}{4}

8 Answers

Arshad ~Died~ ·

sir can we do this by lemma 's inequality...?

Arshad ~Died~ ·

by lemma
xy/x+y+2z + yz/2x+y+z + zx/x+2y+z ≥ (xyz)^2/4(x+y+z)
what to do next...?

Hari Shankar ·

Thats now how it goes arshad. Check up on how the lemma is used

Also a lemma is a shortened theorem. The lemma is named after a guy called Titu (Andreescu)

Devil ·

(\frac{A_1}{a_1}+...\frac{A_n}{a_n})(a_1+a_2+...a_n)\ge n(A_1+A_2+...A_n)
If ai≥ai+1

So for that we choose the order of reals x,y,z as z≥x≥y

so reqd inequality becomes ≥ 3\frac{(xy+yz+zx)}{4(x+y+z)}
3(xy+yz+zx0\ge 9(\sqrt[3]{(xyz)^2} \\ \implies \frac{x+y+z}{3(xy+yz+zx)}\le 1\\

K=\frac{x+y+z}{3(xy+yz+zx)}\le 1

Thus proved!

Devil ·

1 edit - in the last step it is 14k≥14
and in #5 it is 3(xy+yz+xz)≥9.....
There's a zero in place of the bracket. [78]

Hari Shankar ·

Soumik, that first inequality - are you sure about it. I dont think we conclusively proved it in the thread you posted.

But you are almost there. Good show! Just use a more conventional inequality and you will be through

Devil ·

but prophet sir, is that not simply chebychef on
Xis = Aiai
and Yis=ai

Hari Shankar ·

Precisely. So to make the solution lucid, all you needed to give was a statement on the ordering of the sequences and mentioned Chebyshev.

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